How to increase the impact of your published research in 2017?

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Getting the research paper published and then sitting back is no longer desirable in academics. With the high turnover of articles, there is an emerging need to ensure that your research reaches maximum numbers of researchers and readers. Budding researchers have the additional responsibility of promoting their published research for the desired impact. Here are some parameters to assist you in promoting your research and increasing its readership.

  • Select an apt title and abstract for the study: Usually, readers consider the title as a primary tool to search for a published work on a specific topic. Besides, an enticing title persuades the reader to read the abstract that follows. It leaves a lasting impression on the reader, a la the cover of a book. In the present-day scenario of online search, it can act as a technical tool, highlight the aim of your research, and help others locate your paper in the web of academics.
  • Endorse your research work online: After your research work is published, the next task is to engage in online promotion. Link your research to all the platforms that are searched by academic readers online. The platforms designed for researchers, such as ResearchGate and MyScienceWork, can also help promote your research. Social media accounts on platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ are used to publicize research work, including the other highly recommended platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest. Blogging synapses of your research and circulating them via different institutional, research group, or other academic websites is also important. Once your media list for social promotion is prepared, create your profiles by linking your important web publications. Remember to include your ORCID iD in all profiles.
  • Create ORCID iD linked to all profiles: To attract more readers, remember to link your ORCID iD with all your social media profiles. This will ensure that you receive full credit for your work, especially in a web world that has more than one researcher with the same name. Register with the organization and acquire an ORCID iD to avoid author-name confusion and to receive the full credit for your published research.
  • Track your paper: It is always wise to track your accepted manuscript in order to monitor the time in between and utilize it for promotional activities. To increase the impact of the endorsements, always link the proper URL to all the promotional mediums using a digital object identifier (DOI) system. As a tracking tool, you can use metrics like article-level metrics on journals (alike, PLOS and Medley) and other alternative metrics. ImpactStory, a free tracking tool, also evaluates the status of the papers, blog posts, and social media accounts. Using the proper metrics at the right time can result in the successful dissemination of your research, thereby, making it easier to demonstrate and justify the manuscript’s status. It can further update you about the latest trends and opportunities in your field of research.
  • Market your publication: It is advisable to seek the help of service experts in the field of marketing and public relations to boost the reach of your research work in 2017.
  • Opt for Open Access Publication: Open access journals have recorded higher readership compared to subscription-based publications. The former increases not only the reader’s count, but also the number of citations per article.

If you adopt a research approach based on these guidelines, you will be on the right track in the year 2017 to increase the influence of your research in the world of academics.

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