Springer has completed 175 years of a long journey starting from a bookstore and has emerged as a leading publishing house globally. Springer has been an integral part of Springer Nature that has continued supporting millions of researchers.
Elsevier – the information analytics company that specializing in science and health – published the 8th edition of ‘Bretherick’s Handbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards’. This book, edited by Peter G. Urben, provides the latest updates on the ways to prevent the explosion and loss of containment of chemicals. In addition to Bretherick’s Handbook, Elsevier has […]
Elsevier announced its acquisition of Plum Analytics (EBSCO Information Services), which is a global information service provider. This merger will open up the access gates for Elsevier to a broader world of research institutes as well as individual researchers. The Plum Analytic’s metrics will be utilized by Scopus, ScienceDirect, Mendeley as well as SciVal, the […]
Paywalls, which limit access to content without a paid subscription, block access to scientific research. The Business of Scholarship exposed that even the largest academic publisher, Elsevier, regularly has a profit margin between 35-40%, which is greater than Google’s. Therefore open access is essential to extend knowledge in the scientific community. To make many steps […]