Tips to concise your research paper 


A clear and concise research paper is well-accepted both for publication as well as for readers; therefore there is a great essence to give effort in shortening the paper to fulfill the criteria. It is pretty much tough for English-second language author to briefly write a paper because they are unable to find a suitable word to replace long phrases. In fact, this is also a task for the native authors to curt their text when they have a lot to say and at the same time, they need to keep it short. Therefore, just after your first draft of the manuscript, go through your manuscript critically to recognize the text that can be made shorter.

Follow these tips to brief your research paper:

Keep the introduction part confined:

 Thoroughly check for the sentences stated in the introduction part, keep in mind that the introduction part is just to make the readers aware of the context briefly; you don’t need to present the entire review. Also, look for typical wordy phrases to substitute it with less wordy options.

Mention Citations:

Look for sentences that start with “it has been reported that” or “according to the studies”, or same type of phrases, better replace these, keeping only the citation.

Keep product names in parentheses:

Search for Sentences with product names mentioned in the sentences; shorten it by using it within parentheses.

Indicate numerical values straight: 

 Crosscheck the result section to avoid statements that state individual values for groups trailed by statistical significance; you can simply mention these values within parentheses.

Choose for hyphenated words:

Most of the document-processing systems like MS Office treat hyphenated words as a single word. Therefore, go for words that are hyphenated.

Prefer writing in active voice:

Always prefer writing in active voice rather than passive; that ultimately helps in reducing the word count of the manuscript.

Keeping the above tips in mind could help you to get your paper easily accepted for publication.

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