The Process Of Writing & Revision In Journal Publication


Producing an academic or scientific paper from scratch to a successful publication will take a lot longer and take a lot more time than many writers expect, but every bit of writing and revision counts as progress, and a published piece of high-quality scholarship is often worth the effort.

 How to write a Research Paper?

 Choose a topic that interests & challenges you.

Focus on limited aspects. Select a subject of your expertise. Avoid topics with the least scope & source material.

Find information about the topic on the internet

Use Govt libraries, prints, and web sources. Read & Evaluate as per need. Gather useful & relevant information with bibliographical information

Make a precise research statement

Explain interpretation of Research Subject. Must have all the solutions related to the problem.

Study the standard structure for Manuscript

Write the document properly following the formatting Guidelines.

Title – Write the Title after writing the entire Manuscript

Abstract – Write a Brief introduction about the problem, Write How the problem is addressed and explain how your algorithm is better than the past algorithm. Also, Compare with previous output with the percentage.

Introduction can be divided into 3 stages

An intro or area of the paper

Slight explanation about the problem

Brief explanation solving the problem

It is good to give the Authors contribution in 2 to 4 points at the end of Intro


It is a 16 digits num Researchers I’d that includes basic information name, dob, qualification.

It reduces time when submitting the Journal

Reviewers’ list Reviewers’ contact info, they may use these reviewers’ info for the manuscript revision process.

Organize information according to the outline.

Analyze, Synthesise, Sort & Digest information. Download 2 to 3 general research papers from any publication. Study the research papers, Get to know the structure & understand the paper. Improve their research using another algorithm. Read and prepare an algorithm.

Start preparing your topic with the first draft

Write necessary article templates

Read draft for different content errors.

Check figures and facts.

Organize content as per outline.

Proofread the Article

Make the final version ready before the deadlines, Innovative research, or think out of the box.

Focus on the improvement of research.

Revision Process of Journal Publication

  • Determine if the manuscript should be resubmitted to the same journal.
  • If you have any unresolved issues, please contact the editor.
  • Prioritize the feedback from the reviewers.
  • Do with reviewer comments that you don’t agree with. Without Being Disagreeable, Disagree
  • Have a plan for dealing with differing opinions.
  • Put in the effort and show what you have accomplished. Reduce the length of the manuscript
  • Before resubmitting, review the medical literature.


The process of writing a manuscript well enough to get it published by a journal can be overwhelming, given the ever-increasing number of manuscripts submitted for publication. While everyone’s writing process is different, following the above steps will help you organize your time when writing any type of text. Effective preparation, drafting, and revision are needed for good academic writing.

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