Conquering the Challenges of Publication


Research has to face numerous hurdles and challenges in Every journal that wants to maintain its reputation. They want high-quality research to get published which is proven and not debatable. Publishing is an essential part of the Scientific Conference. Scientific Research is aimed at Shared Knowledge. Scientific data must be converted to statements that are known and accepted by the expert scientific community. Scientific Journals are mostly managed by Professional Scientific Publications.

Process of Submission in Scientific Publication

  • Submission of Research Paper
  • Peer Review System
  • Procedures for arriving at Decisions
  • Resultant Distribution of Papers to the Authors

How to approach writing a Manuscript?

  • Select a Real Challenging Problem, formulate the problem and propose a novel solution. Follow the Conventions of Research in a specific domain.
  • Show a high level of confidence in understanding the expertise over the domain.

How do you turn your Research into a Paper?

  • A research paper is a well-organized description of a hypothesis, data, and conclusions with the goal of educating the community. A good outline for the Paper is also a good outline for the Research Program.

Organizing the Manuscript

  • Compose a Compact & Concise Title
  • Write a Compelling Introduction – Mention only the problems your Study Design addresses
  • Write an Impressive Abstract – Relevant terms should be included
  • Select Keywords for Indexing
  • Centralize your Ideas, Drafts, Data, Protocol related to your Research Field
  • Contextualize your study and importance – Specify
  • Why is your Study worth doing?
  • Which areas will it benefit?
  • What makes your Study distinct & new from other Researches?
  • Will the readers feel interested to study your Scientific Publication?

How to tackle common obstacles

  • Make it open access so it is effectively available for people.
  • Scientific Paper should present new scientific advances, including an in-depth discussion of the results in an effective manner.
  • Become familiar with Scientific Publishing- Master the ways of Scientific Communication, Plan your production early in the research process.
  • The more others read your publications and cite them, the better.

How to navigate the world of Journals

  • Choose the right journal
  • Design your Experiments
  • Understand which field has the greatest impact
  • Review Papers for Conferences

How to handle the Peer Review Process

  • Set Clear Objective of the Research – Don’t overcomplicate Sentences.
  • Follow IMRaD (Introduction, Methods, Result, and Discussion )Format
  • Read Author Guidelines of the targeted Journal
  • Prepare the Figures & Tables – Enhance the visibility
  • Write the Methods
  • Write up the Results
  • Write the Discussion
  • Write a Clear Conclusion
  • Proper Acknowledgements, Citations, and References
  • Share your Paper with Social Network
  • Avoid Plagiarism


Scientists are interested in Advancing Science itself. The scientific data must be converted to statements that are known and accepted by the expert scientific community. Building a reputation that enables them to advance in their careers. The publication provides decision support to research administrations to help in deciding about Research Grants, Professional Appointments.

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